Club History

Formation and Charter

On March 15th the inaugural meeting occurred of the provisional Rotary Club in 1960, later to be granted a Charter by Rotary International April 10th 1960.

This Charter was presented by the then District 270 Governor Fred Fischer on June 18th 1960.

Since its Charter the Milton Ulladulla Rotary Club has established a reputation within the community and within the Jurisdiction of Rotary as a Club of action, leaving a legacy of enduring impact on the local community and the Rotary District. It is appropriate in reviewing Club History to consider relevant contributions in the four Avenues of Rotary Service, Club, Vocational, Community, International and as well as contributions at District and International level.

The Rotary Club of Milton Ulladulla was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Nowra. Past President Tom Tait was appointed the District Governors Special Representative to investigate the formation of a Rotary Club in Milton Ulladulla District. Past President Tom Tait invited 20 business and professional men from the area designated for the Club to the inaugural meeting held at the CWA Hall Milton.

Past President Tom Tait, Past President Frank Morehouse and Geoff Stone from the Rotary Club of Nowra addressed the meeting, attended by 20 prospective members of the future club. A resolution of that meeting was that a provisional Rotary Club of Milton Ulladulla be formed.


Executive positions were appointed as follows.

President: Phil Berner

Secretary: John Blackburn

Treasurer: Frank Denshire

Vice President: Jack Guest


Club Service; Jack Guest

Vocational Service; Frank Bean

Community Service; Jim Thomson

International Service; Harold Kendall

The Rotary Club of Milton Ulladulla District 270 was chartered at a function at the Masonic Hall Milton on 18th June, 1960.

At this meeting 25 members were inducted into the Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla.